Sunday, October 12, 2008

Spell cheque! Oops! Check!

Its amazing how addicted I am to T9 on my phone and shift f7 on my keyboard. Whatever happened to all spellings I was taught in school. I find it hard to put one and two together. My eyes search for the read lines on the word document I type and the right click which erase the line for me... I'm dyslexic!

It dawned on me when I spelt leopard as 'leapord'! Leapord??

And to think of it, I worked as an editor in a prestigious firm as an Editor! My job description - check for typos and syntax errors!! Probably the reason why I quit. MS Office did my work for me and I was rendered useless in my own eyes!

Damn them technology and my increasing dependence on it.

P.S: I'm working on my New Media assignment - the impact of digitization and the internet technology on music!


Unknown said...

Very Good.Keep goin...

Enthu Cutlet said...

Dear Ctrl+F,

I dearly miss you when I skim through the whole newspaper for an article or an ad.

And dont you worry Sangu... I think I'm gonna be signed for Taare Zameen Par's sequel!

Col_Sangers said...

Haha.. Seriously! If I had to punch enter (I'd typed 'entre') without looking at what I'd typed, I doubt I'd be in a position to decipher my words. Sigh! Technological bane!