Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A poem for my Mother

I close my eyes to find you brushing my hair,
Paste my face with powder so I look fair

I ran to you with a story to tell
And when I cried, stumbled or fell

From your purse a rupee or two I took
You served me with a beating and the look

Years passed by and I slowly grew
Many a tantrums at you I threw

Be it over breakfast, friends or phone
To everything you said I'd moan

Twenty one years have gone by since
To these things no more I wince

Your little baby has grown up now
I'll give you no reason to fret or frown

I have pained you I know, more than once
I'd shoot myself hence, with a million guns

But I can cause you agony no more
Because... I love you, that I must bring to fore

Twenty-two I'll be by this time tomorrow
For all my misdeeds, I'm filled with remorse and sorrow

Thank you Mommy, you are indeed the best
Knowing I'm your child, in peace I'll forever rest

Things you want from life are but a few
So I plead with the Almighty to render your wishes true

1 comment:

Squeeky/Shredder/Shrads/Chirkutt said...

Its a brilliant poem. Im sure everyone can identify with it, even your own mother. It comes right from the heart. It may sound simple, but its got a lot to say.and thats exactly what i like about it! :)