Friday, January 02, 2009

From Beyond

"You won't find it here. You're looking in the wrong place". No sooner had she heard these words, the source of the same walked away. She only caught a glimpse of him.

He was tall, wheat-ish and wore a white tee with blue denims. His smile left a deep pit on his cheeks. On the right one at least.

She dreamed of him every night, every waking hour she spent in his thoughts. She visited many a places in hope of finding him. He showed up only to disappear.

Finally, she did the one thing she had vowed never to do.

She prayed for the dreams to end!

Her prayers yielded positive answers. She was diagnosed as a mental patient. Her tormentor was a fragment of her imaginations.

It often happens to Schizophrenic patients her Psychiatrist said.

She cannot be cured. Her mind replays the same film everyday. Its been 18 years, she turned 37 yesterday.

No one has seen her face emote such joy. Such peace. Such serenity. She seemed to have looked in the right place after all.

She smiles even from her grave.


Ajinkya Deshmukh said...

Exceptionally beautiful. Such an elegant post by a blogger after a long time!

Thanks and Happy New Year!

Col_Sangers said...

Thanks Ajinkya! I hope the New Year is(and will be)Happy for you too :)